Friday, May 7, 2010

And the Drumroll Please...

It is without further ado that I would like to announce our Peace Corps placement. This will be where we live and our job assignments for the mext two years. Are you nervous? Do you have any expectations? Do you think we're working with schools, youth groups, or something else? Are we up north, down south, or somewhere else? Would you like to venture a guess???

WE ARE LIVING IN BELMOPAN! If you guessed it, it's probably because it's the capital city and I'm not sure how many cities people in the states would know about! We've already been in the capital a good bit and won't be "roughing it" in the traditional sense. Most things are available here, and we're pretty much in the center of the country. We have one of the biggest bus stations and are also in town with the Peace Corps office. I'm incredibly excited. But the best is yet to come.

My job is with the George Price Center for Peace and Development, and my primary assignment is helping to develop a conflict resolution cirriculum that can be used in classrooms as well as a cirriculum for teachers to assist them in teaching conflict resolution. The project will be piloted in the Belmopan schools with the hope of then integrating it country-wide. Wow. So now it's your turn to point me towards people and places that can assist me in finding material to learn more about conflict resolution. I'm still jittery from learning all of this. I think I've always been interested in this sort of thing, but now it's going to be necessary to learn more. So like I said, who knows about this stuff?

Kathryn will be working with Our Lady of Guadelupe Primary School. Apparently the school is literally withing walking distance from my site. Her job will entail helping integrate music in schools--everything from primary to secondary schools, choirs to bands to string-classes. It's been mandated, I think, by the Governor General, the Queen of England's representative here in Belize (Queen is technically the head of state; but like England, she holds no real political powers.) We have heard the Governor General specifically request a Peace Corps Volunteer to help him with this project.

I'm really surprised that we're both working on such over-arching projects. I'm a bit overwhelmed, but soooooo excited. Alright, I need to stop this. I just used the "so" with mutiple o's. I must be ranting. I hope all is well at home. Please tell me what you're thinking and feeling! And thanks for everyone being so communicative. I think I'm hearing from most of you more than I would at home.



At May 8, 2010 at 11:32 AM , Blogger Tim Johnson said...

Miss you! I'm assuming you've heard by now, but you if you haven't enjoy this news from the home front.

At May 8, 2010 at 8:32 PM , Blogger Melinda Desmarais said...

WOW!!! That all sounds sooooo (with multiple o's) great! I'm very excited for you, it sounds like you both have amazing assignments. And, I'm researching traveling to Belmopan as we speak (well, type)!
I can tell that it is a relief to you to find out these specifics. I know you will both be great at what you do. If I come across some good P&C stuff I will definitely send your way. Will you have decent internet access? If so I'll use e-mail as the primary means of sending things, for sake of expedition. :) Congrats and have fun!! Love you guys.

At May 9, 2010 at 6:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a couple books from my college courses that may or may not be of interest to Cisco. I'll try to get them out by the end of the week. What address should I send them to?

At May 9, 2010 at 8:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cisco and Kathryn and Happy Birthday Cisco! It sounds as if both of you will be working on very important projects during your time in Belize and I think both of you will reach unrealized potential while you are there. It sounds as if the PC powers that be assessed you both very well and have placed you in areas at which you will excel. How fortunate you are! And, speaking of fortunate - being able to live in the city must be a great relief for you. Having the modern conveniences close at hand and not having to worry about rustic living conditions will make your time there much more enjoyable.

We are really enjoying reading about your adventures, so keep the posts coming. I am very proud of you both and hope your new assignments will be very satisfying work for you both. Love, Kim

At May 11, 2010 at 11:02 AM , Anonymous Becca Wint said...

I am happy ya'll are excited! Happy belated and present birthday wishes! Take care!

At May 13, 2010 at 2:40 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

Wow! When I hear of your assignments I think this can only be further acknowledgement that you are in the right place at the right time. How incredibly exciting!!! If Kathryn needs my help for the little kiddies music, please send questions my way! Also, your "curriculum"---I think you don't need texts. You know how to deal with Kathryn so, you're perfect!!! Just kidding Kathryn, but really Cisco you are such a naural peacemaker this is incredibly ironic.

I am going shopping for your hat this weekend and I already sent the Eat Pray Love to you along with the water shoes to Cisco's mom like days after you left. I wonder if she has sent them yet?

So excited for you, my hearts!!!


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